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Writer, Designer, Photographer and MORE

Worked three years with The Crimson Crier, spending two as editor-in-chief, I make every day an opportunity to develop my skills and deepen my love for journalism. This portfolio showcases my skills as a well-rounded, passionate journalist, leader and voice.


My Journalism Journey

When signing up for sophomore classes, I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I asked for Newspaper I. The upperclassman recruiters left out important information about the never-ending workflow, tight deadlines and comfort-breaching interviews I would have to deal with. Regardless, they accurately described the meaningful connections, family-like staff bonds, rewarding achievements and versatile life skills I would gain from taking the class. 


When struggling to put together my first story, I had no idea it would win a national first-place award. My first year on the Crimson Crier stretched me and my fellow staff members since we had to adapt to virtual learning.  Despite the emotional and educational difficulties I faced, I worked diligently to produce stories we could all be proud of. We were a small, but well-working staff. We made the usual 32-page magazines into consistent 50+ page online magazines by increasing the number and quality of stories and their depth. 


When the seniors graduated, I had no idea I would be chosen as The Crimson Crier's first junior Editor-in-Chief. It was an exciting, but daunting honor to be the first. While I faced opposition from select seniors, I trusted in my ability to listen, learn and grow. I prioritized self and staff improvement. We held weekly meetings to discuss issues that needed to be addressed and improvements that needed to be made. That year, I developed my voice as a passionate writer and a strong leader. 


When returning to the role of Editor-in-Chief, I had no idea we would break records and make Crimson Crier history. I am so honored to have led the staff awarded with the third Best of Show in the nation and the Columbia University Gold Crown Award.  I can only take credit for nurturing the natural skills and strengths of each and every one of my staff members. It was only this year that I realized I wanted to pursue a degree and career in journalism. I love every aspect that goes into writing a story, designing a page, taking a picture and making a video. I hope to further my career in communications and create meaningful connections with everyone I meet. 

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